Tag: Bellybox

  • Magnetek Improves the XLTX and MLTX2

    Magnetek has made several improvements to the ATEX and IECEx rated wireless controls, XLTX and MLTX2. Products will be marked with the following: Temperature Ratings: New temperature ratings allow the XLTX and MLTX2 transmitters to operate in higher temperature application 40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F), including those geographic areas that experience hot weather conditions. Field…

  • Magnetek to Obsolete Several Radio Products

    Magnetek recently announced they will no longer be offering the following radio products as of March 17, 2014: Telemotive Stepless “Pendant” Style Transmitter Enrange™ 100T Transmitter Enrange™ DTX Transmitter Enrange™ CAN-4 Receiver Telemotive 10K Receiver These radio products are being replaced by more advanced, feature-rich transmitters and receivers. The Enrange Flex VUE® Transmitter can replace applications…